Letting Go of Stress with the Help of Our Furry Friends.
Do you ever feel like your stress levels are so high that you don’t even know what to do with yourself? If you’re struggling with stress, it can affect not only your mental health but also your physical...
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The Five Pillars of Wellness
A healthy lifestyle isn’t always easy, but it can be simplified using these five pillars. By avoiding unhealthy foods and adding in regular workouts, you can ensure that your body will stay at peak performance...
Healthy Living Through the Mind Body and Spirit
We talk about living healthy, yet we often overlook the importance of our mind and spirit in our overall well-being. We focus on eating right and exercising to improve our health, but we don’t stop...
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Physical Activity Plays Key Role in Healthy Living
Research has shown that physical activity helps us to live a healthier longer life, and physical inactivity leads to premature aging, chronic disease, disability, and earlier death. None of us wants to...