7 Habits of Highly Effective People Who Get Stuff Done.

People often think that being productive and getting things done means you need to be an early riser and have all your tasks completed by 4 pm. Not true! Productivity isn’t about how much time you spend doing things—it’s about how much you accomplish in that time and how efficiently you get the work done. If you’re looking for advice on developing good work habits, here are seven habits of highly effective people who get stuff done.

1) They have a morning routine
The first thing they do when they wake up is to drink a glass of water. They also make it a point to meditate for 20 minutes, even if it’s just for three minutes. After that, they take a shower and eat breakfast. Then, before starting their day’s work, they spend 15 minutes planning their tasks. Then they tackle the easiest task on the list to build momentum for completing more difficult tasks later in the day.

2) They set daily, weekly, and monthly goals
Have you ever set a goal and then not followed through with it? If so, that’s because you didn’t set it the right way. Goals are specific and measurable, so if you don’t make them crystal clear, there’s room for interpretation. The best way to set a goal is to break it down into three parts: 1) What am I going to do? 2) When am I going to do it? 3) What will be the result if I reach my goal?

3) They schedule their time
The first habit is to schedule your time. In order for this to work, you need to have a system in place that will allow you to do this. What works for one person might not work for another, but you have to find what works best for you and stick with it. This can be accomplished by using an online scheduler like Google Calendar or another one that suits your needs.

4) They have a designated workspace
A workspace is an area of your home or office where you can focus on specific tasks. It is important to have a designated workspace so you are not distracted by other things going on around you. It is also important to have enough space to spread out and get work done efficiently. Having a designated workspace will help you be more productive and less likely to procrastinate because you know that this is the space for getting things done!

5) They take breaks
Taking breaks is an essential part of being productive. If you’re hunched over your desk working for hours without a break, you’ll only be able to focus on what’s in front of you. Your mind needs time to wander and explore different thoughts and ideas so that it can come back refreshed and ready to tackle the next task.

6) They eliminate distractions
One of the most effective ways to eliminate distractions is to start your day with a no-distraction time period. For example, start your day by reading or writing for 60 minutes without checking email or social media. This can help you focus on what’s important and put off less urgent tasks until after the distraction period. They make lists (four sentences). Start by making a list of things that need to get done.

7) They stay organized
It is so important to be organized. Especially if you are the type that likes to take on a lot of projects at once, or doesn’t like feeling overwhelmed by how much there is to do. Being organized will help you stay focused on what needs to be done, and get it done in a timely manner.

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