Healthy Living Through the Mind Body and Spirit

We talk about living healthy, yet we often overlook the importance of our mind and spirit in our overall well-being. We focus on eating right and exercising to improve our health, but we don’t stop to think about nourishing our minds and our spirit.

Research has shown that providing nourishment to your mind and spirit reduces stress, improves your relationships, lifts your mood, and protects your health. It is important to recognize that mind, body, and spirit are not independent of each other. So by taking care of your spirit, your body and mind benefit too.

Let’s look at some things to nurture your mind and spirit.

  1. Take a job you love. You spend nearly one-third of your life at work. Don’t spend it somewhere you hate because it will affect all other aspects of your life.
  2. If you have a dream follow it. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you missed out on your opportunity. You live once, follow your dreams.
  3. Make sure that you make time to socialize with friends, colleagues, and family. Socializing is very important to our well being. In fact, research has shown that a strong social network can actually reduce, even prevent illness, and it eases stress.
  4. Take time off. Make use of your vacation time, don’t skip it. Breaks every few months help to keep you energized and fresh. Even if you don’t go anywhere and simply spend the time at home.
  5. When it comes to nurturing your spirit, if you feel like crying then cry, and do remember to laugh, in fact, laugh a lot it is very healthy for your spirit.
  6. Make sure you make time for yourself. A recent study showed people with a packed social calendar are more likely to become sick. Make sure you take one day a week for yourself to unwind.
  7. The internet is a great form of entertainment and social media allows us to constantly be in touch with friends and family, but too much internet is bad for you. It can actually leave you feeling lonely and isolated, so limit your time online.
  8. Exercising regularly will nourish your body and your mind. Just 30 minutes a day can help to keep you fit and reduce your stress, clearing your mind, and energizing you.

When you are looking to live a healthy life, always remember to include mind, body, and spirit.

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